What Is Human Design For Business?

Human Design for business is a framework that gives business owners and leaders the insight into the operating style and innate strengths of their teams so that they can maximise potential, reduce burnout and create a more harmonious working environment

What Is Human Design for Business

The Human Design system synthesises the ancient observational systems of Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras and The Tree of Life from the Zohar/Kabbalist tradition; and the modern disciplines of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry.

Human Design allows individuals and insight in to their strengths, how they are designed to make decisions and how you are designed to interact and collaborate in the workplace.

It's an empowering tool that shows people what makes the them truly unique and allows them to step into their full potential.

Let’s break down what that actually means:

Human Design gives us a system that allows us to understand our individual energetic gifts, talents, and unique purpose in this world.

It allows you to understand how your energy flows so you can return to your unique self and soul’s purpose - and finally let go of being the same as everyone else.

How is Human Design different to other profiling tools?

Human Design is a unique profiling tool based on the persons' time, date and location of birth, it's the most accurate picture of how we are in our most authentic expression. It's like personality profiling, on steroids, without the need for a tedious multiple choice questions. 

The Human Design system is a tool that can be used on an ongoing basis to great effect, unlike other profiling tools which may be more suited to an on entry assessment, but not an easy to work with tool for more team flow and alignment in day to day settings.

In business, Human Design helps managers identify and understand the unique strengths and characteristics of their team members.

Through understanding how their team members are designed to best operate they can create a more cohesive environment that allows the team to thrive in the workplace.

What Are The Benefits Of Human Design for Business?

There are many benefits to implementing human design in business. Human Design can help organisations become more effective and efficient, while also helping to build trust and relationships within teams.

Human Design can help your team work better together and communicate more effectively which is essential to create a more supportive environment for growth and impact.

Additionally, it can also provide insights into how the people within the business best work and are the environment they are most suited too.

Human Design is an indispensable tool for Managers

Human design is a hugely valuable tool for managers. It can help them understand how the members of their team think, feel, and behave. This information can help managers make better decisions and improve the wellbeing, happiness and productivity of their team.

Additionally it can support managers with

  • identifying and managing behavioural issues and toxic energy in teams.
  • supporting remote teams and navigating work from home dynamics

How To Implement Human Design In Your Business?

The implementation of Human Design in business can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and support and a plan in place, it can be done successfully.

When implementing Human Design in your business, it is important to understand your overall business goals and objectives, as well as the capacity of your people and culture. Human Design can help you create an environment where employees are engaged and thrive.

A Human design led approach is a business strategy that focuses on the innate strengths and talents of the organisations people. It can help businesses create environments and teams that are more likely to lead to long term retention and job satisfaction.

Human Design is a great way for businesses to improve their productivity and efficiency and foster a culture of joy and happiness in their teams. By using this system, businesses can help banish burnout, hustle culture and reduce team turnover.

Get started with a an Introduction to Human Design Session or Team Energetics Report or you can enquire directly about Human Design can support your team.

Categories: Human Design for Business