Inspired Integration Bundle

Gates Guide, Channels Guide, Planetary Influences & Gene Keys Cheat Sheet

Working with the energy of the gates defined in your chart is essential for understanding your unique purpose on this planet. This bundle gives you a step by step guide to uncovering your gift and their highest frequencies. Your Divine Why Worksheet is designed to help you with embodying these frequencies. 


 ✨Gates Guide [all 64 HD Gates] - Description of the gate energetic theme and the Shadow, Gift & Siddhic frequencies
Channels Guide [all 36 Channels] - Description of the channel energetic theme
13 Planetary Influences & Gene Keys - editable workbook that you can customise with your defined gates, understand the meaning of these planetary influences. Includes a Gene Keys cheat sheet detailing the gate name, location and all Gene Keys frequency expressions
'Your Divine Why' worksheet to help embody the highest frequencies of these planetary influences. 

Hey, I'm Cat

I'm an energetic business strategist and Human Design guide who works with heart-centred entrepreneurs seeking to embody their unique energetic design to achieve more ease, flow and abundance in their personal and professional lives.

I fuse my 14+ years in digital marketing with Human Design to help you catapult your business success and drive impact in your business through the integration and embodiment of your unique energetic gifts.

I know how it feels to be out of alignment with your unique design. It affects all areas of your life, not least of all your business.

I show you how exactly to create a more intentional business, one that is aligned with your design and that allows you to share your greatness with the world in a way that feels easy, fun and abundant.